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Custom Classes & more updates

JT avatar
Shared by JT • October 11, 2024

Our team has some updates that continue to refine the experience of using Showit that I’m sure you’ll all enjoy.

Custom Classes

You can now define custom classes on objects so that you can better target your own custom css code. This option is located under the Advanced properties settings for any selected object.

Updated Code Editor

We’ve updated our Code Editor screens for Custom HTML, Custom CSS, etc to now use a modern code editor display. If you’re ever working in those areas, you’re going to love it!

Multi-Select Edge Locking

It’s now a breeze to apply the same edge locking settings across multiple objects. You’ll find the setting in a new Position settings section that appears on the properties panel when you select multiple objects.

Multi-Select Layer Locking

You can lock multiple layers at the same time now with the keyboard shortcut CMD/CTRL-L

Scroll Zoom

You can now quickly zoom on the stage by using the keyboard shortcut of CMD/CTRL and SCROLL on your mouse.

Reposition the Stage

When you’re zoomed in on the stage you can quickly reposition the stage bye holding the SPACE key and DRAG your mouse.